Friday 30 November 2012

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment Sheet

Title: Make you a saint
Date: 28th November 12
Major Issues:

Filming at:

We would be filming at Robert clack music studio as our stage for the band
Another place we would be filming at is at Michael Matute house for the scene with the argument with the guy and his female.  A further location would be a café. This will be the scene when the guy sees his girl friend with another male.


There are particular things in which my group and I should take when going out to film. If we were going to film at the side of the road, a solution would be that we should not film on the road. Before using the café and filming, we would need to have permission.  We also need to make sure that the area is safe if it wasn’t we would make sure that we have contact to parents and on site services.


Simon Akinwunmi - 07983822407
Michael Matute- 07932854879

Emergency services:

On Site Services:
Local Police: 999
Local Fire: 999
Local Hospital: 999

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