- Director- Jamie Thraves
- Made short films at university
- Used award- winning short films as a 'calling card' to get a 'foot in the door' with video production company factory films
- Began by shooting three very low budget music videos- cost about £5000 each
- Showed his film to a lot of people to become recognised which got him hired
This is how the process works:
- A 'commissioner' from a record label sends a track to about 5 to 10 directors, the directors then each submit a treatment (out line what they will ned to do with the track e.g. plan and story board) this whole process is unpaid, the director who submits the 'best' treatment is then commissioned to make the videos and therefore employed, only then is the director now paid.
As it can be seen for many directors in the business it is a precarious existence where their livelihood is dependent on each commission , Jamie Thraves submitted treatments for his two best known videos and each was accepted:
1. Radiohead- Just, £100,000 budget, shot in 3 days.
2. Coldplay- The scientist , £200,000 budget, shot in 3 days.
Jamie Thraves' most recent video was for japanese popstars- song for Lisa.
- Currently videos cost about £20,000
- Shooting time, 2 days
- Jamie has used the music videos to get into the film business, and has so far shot three features:
- The low dow
- The cry of the owl
- Treacle Jr
Jamie's top tip:
- Use the lyrics but try not to be literal
- Most importantly- Go with the emotion on the lyrics