Friday 7 September 2012

My favourite music video

The music video above is one of my favourite music videos because it shows and expresses the true meaning of the music video. The music video is called 'hurt' and emphasises to us how they are planning on portraying 'hurt' throughout the music video. the characters in the video use great effects to show us anger, facial expressions are a great example of this as the anger is clearly shown in their faces. The video is made to be dark and black and white, with all the characters dressed in dark clothing to show anger and criminal activity. baseball bats are present throughout the duration of this music video, this may suggest to us that crime is involved and also refers back to the title of the video 'hurt' as they may use this weapon to hurt something or somebody. 

The Brief

During this blog I will be blogging about the task that we have been set, which is to create a music video.

my task is to produce:
A music ‘promo’ video
Up to 5 minutes long
Either working on my own or in a group of up to four members